Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Theology - Lent and Sacrifice

My sister sent me a link on Facebook yesterday to blog post entitled Eating Chocolate for Lent. I hope you'll take a moment to read it, as I did, because it offers an astute challenge from a feminist perspective to the practice of giving up something for Lent. For many, especially women, who are already habituated to sacrificing and submitting to the authority of others, this Lenten practice can be demeaning and self-deprecating rather than life-giving and life-affirming.

To me, Lent is an opportunity and even a challenge to us to be more intentional about our faith. Some do that by sacrificing something; some do that by taking on a habit or discipline; and some may simply need a reminder that they are loved by God and to find ways to dwell in that love. One thing is clear to me: a one-size-fits-all approach won't work. We must each try to discern what it is we can do (or not do) to be more intentional about our faith development during this season.

For me, I am blogging. It forces me to set aside time to think, pray, reflect, and write...each of which is a way that God can work in my life. Some years I have given up something, which has been a fruitful practice for me. Some years, I have not done anything. But whatever we do in Lent, it ought to be something that is grace-filled and not condemning...many of us get more than enough of that from others or even ourselves. How are you partnering with God this Lent?


Mary Ingmire said...

Excellent post. A new view for me.

jennifermfuqua said...

I love love that you are doing this! Great post!