Today is my 30th birthday. Leading up to today, I thought that I would feel old and maybe even freak out a little bit, but neither has happened. People will sometimes point to birthdays as significant life-markers, and up until now, most of those milestones have been positive. At 13, you are a teenager. At 16, you can get your license. At 18, you can vote. At 21, you can drink (which didn't really impact me, but whatever). At 25, your car insurance premium decreases. But, from now until retirement age, birthdays aren't such positive markers.
As I reflected more on this, I've decided that events in my life are better markers that birthdays. Two of the most significant events in my life happened in my twenties: marrying Nancy and becoming a father to Becca. I am sure, though, that other wonderful things will happen in thirties.
I guess part of the deal with turning 30 is not so much that you are old, but it's that you aren't young any more. There is obviously some debate as to when "middle age" begins, but I would guess a lot of people point to age 30. For me, though, I think it really began when Becca was born. Life really did change for me then. The innocence, freedom, and frivolity of youth gave way to responsibility. And that's not a bad thing, please don't hear me as saying it is bad. It's just different. So, I don't think I left youth behind when I turned 30 today, I left it behind awhile ago when Becca was born (and much longer ago if you use hair loss as your guide).
But turning 30 is significant to me in one other way. Jesus was 30 when he began his ministry. That was the age that Jewish men in the first century were considered to be full adults, when they would leave behind their apprenticeships and make a life for themselves. And so it was with Jesus. And within a very short amount of time, he was spreading the good news of the reign of God, feeding thousands of people, doing miraculous healings, and calling and equipping disciples who would continue his mission and ministry after he was gone - people who were so dedicated that most of them would lose their lives because of it.
And so I am left wondering, What am I doing now that I am thirty? I know I'm not Jesus, but I am called to imitate and emulate him. Am I really having an impact in the world for Jesus' sake? Or, perhaps a better way to phrase it, is God using me to bear good fruit?
Today, I am thirty years old. May God use me for the work of the Gospel.
Arab Hospitality
6 months ago
1 comment:
John, I turned 30 just a few months after Owen was born. We had just moved back to Tennessee. I wasn't working at all--just home with Ellie and Baby Owen as Jenny built her practice in Westmoreland.
No matter where you are professionally or family-wise, it's a big deal. A great time for reflection, and a great motivator as you pursue your goals--and God's goals for you--over the next ten years.
Alas, my next moment of reflection is coming all too soon. I turn 40 next January 28.
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