Well, this is probably why I haven't blogged in the past. Today is my third day of blogging, and I don't really feel like I have anything to write. So, maybe I'll just write a little bit about my day...
I woke up and took care of Becca, allowing Nancy to sleep in a little. Nancy is such a great mom to Becca and spends a huge amount of time caring for her. I'm glad I was able to give her a little break, even if it was very small. Nancy and Becca went to Becca's two therapies in Hendersonville and I got ready for the day and headed to church. Fridays are typically my day off, but this week has been very busy with Ash Wednesday and a funeral to plan, so I knew I would need to work some today. I had hoped to finish my sermon this morning, stop by the funeral home for a bit early in the afternoon and maybe even visit one of our homebound members before coming home mid-afternoon and not putting in a full day.
Well, that didn't work out so much. I spent the morning doing lots of stuff around the office - e-mails, phone calls, getting things ready for meetings, making copies for some interviews, working through some financial things with our administrative assistant, and other things that I am forgetting. All of a sudden, it was well after noon, I hadn't even started on the sermon, and my tummy was grumbling. I headed home for a quick lunch and then back to the church.
Did some more things around the office, finished the sermon, put together the PowerPoint for Sunday, made a few more phone calls, and met with a church member. Dinnertime, but I still hadn't made it to the funeral home. So, I went to the funeral home for a little while and finally got home a little before 7:00. Threw some steaks on the grill, had a nice dinner with Nancy and Becca (she is finally starting to eat better - yay!), did bedtime with Becca, cleaned the house some, paid the bills, and then watched an episode of Psych with Nancy.
A pretty full day, to say the least. As I look back on it now, it was a pretty good day. I got several things accomplished, made meaningful connections with some people, and spent at least a little bit of quality time with my family.
I probably don't slow down and reflect on my day enough. Honestly, I can't really remember that last time I did like I am right now. Pausing and looking back over the day makes me thankful for all the good things that happened today...so many blessings. As a general rule, I'm not as grateful as I should be. I tend to take things for granted. Maybe part of what this exercise for Lent will do in my life is to cause me to cultivate the virtue of gratitude. We can hope!
So, to everyone out there who has every done anything good or nice for me and I didn't acknowledge it, "Thank you!" I'll try to pay more attention in the future. In fact, I think I'll write a thank-you note tonight to someone who deserves it. Good night, and be sure to count your blessings :)
Arab Hospitality
6 months ago
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