I visited several of our homebound members (shut-ins) earlier today. If I am truly honest with myself (and those of you reading), I always dread going to see them and often put it off. But every time I do go, I enjoy it and usually learn something along the way. I'm not really sure why I have this reaction before I go. I talked about it with Nancy some today, and I think it might have something to do with my instinct to try to fix things, and I can't really fix the fact that someone is homebound. Don't know if that is it or not. If anyone else has any ideas, let me know!
I wish more of our church members knew and visited our homebound members. We do now have a small group who is doing this, and it is a wonderful ministry, both for the ones visiting and the ones being visited. Those of us who are younger have much to learn from those who have gone before us.
One of the things that made the biggest impression on me today was visiting with Ms. Skinner at the nursing home. I bring Communion to share with our homebound members when I visit. Ms. Skinner has to drink her liquids through a straw rather than sipping from a cup, so I take a flexible straw and place it in one of those tiny Communion cups. It looks pretty funny, but it works. Today, she had some trouble getting enough suction to pull the grape juice through the straw. She would take deep breaths, and then suck. It took quite a bit of effort, but she was eventually able to drink most of the juice in the small cup. It was amazing to see her determination and the effort she put forth to receive this sacrament. It made me grateful for my health, and it also helped me to realize that I often take for granted how easy it is for me to worship and participate in the community of faith. There are so many folks who have this same ability, but choose not to attend or get involved. And here is this sweet little lady who would give anything to be able to do that, but she simply isn't able. She is dependent on me to bring Communion to her and to share news of what is happening in the life of the church. I truly am blessed to be able to perform this sacred task of ministry...maybe I just need to remind myself of that the next time I start putting off my visits!
Arab Hospitality
6 months ago
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