I am a fan of the interwebs (that's what we call the internet in our household). It is great for staying connected with friends and family who live far away, doing research, getting up-to-the-minute news (especially sports scores) and tons of other positive things. But there is certainly a negative side to the interwebs as well. There is a lot of bad information out there as well as unwholesome content. People use the interwebs to stalk and prey upon others. Many waste hours upon hours playing games or doing other useless things (you know if I'm talking to you!).
I ran across a news story today on CNN. You can check it out here. It is about a couple in South Korea who became obsessed with an online virtual world to the point that it caused them to neglect their infant who subsequently died of malnutrition. Can you imagine?! They became so wrapped up in their fantasy world that they couldn't function in the real world and properly care for their child. How messed up is that?!
Now, I know probably all of us are nowhere near to that extreme with our usage of the interwebs, but most of us (who are reading this blog, anyways!) probably spend more time than we should in front of a computer screen and not enough time face-to-face with people we care about. So, let's resolve to use the interwebs for good and in moderation and never give up the practice of real-life relationships!
Arab Hospitality
6 months ago
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